L Vs L

tigar i: 24
stare sufleteasca : greu de spus, prea complicata
evenimente fericite : i met a new guy and i kinda like him...
evenimente care ar trebui sa ma binedispuna dar nu o fac : Lillebaelt Academy in Denmark
citesc : gandurile mele
ascult : Alaine - Heavenly
I found a New L. and he's adorable...sweet, but only a child .... still, i like him :l
he makes me laught and... happy
I need this because I don't wanna stay depressed in my room the next 3 weeks waiting for L. to come home...
I miss him but.. i need to be happy to, with or without him.
Congrats New L., you are already rolling in my head and make me worried where the hell are you now, and why aren't you texting me right now!
shittt if I fall in love with a child, i'm scrwed!!!!
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