
Ieri nu m-am mai putut controla si am izbucnit in plans in fata lui. Ii primul in fata caruia am plans....
Ma simt atat de slaba si neputincioasa. Imi este rusine ca am ajuns sa tin la el in asemenea hal si mai ales ca imi pierd controlul.
Totul in jurul meu se pierde... Si incet ma pierd si eu.
Azi am renuntat sa ma mai minti singura ca defapt imi este bine fara el.
Nu imi este.
Adorm in fiecare seara plangand.
La fiecare 5 minute imi apare in minte.
Nu pot manca. Nu vreau sa vad si sa vorbesc cu nimeni.
Si imi este dor de mor de el... De zambetul lui.... Sa imi apara my bby pe telefon cand suna si sa aud " It's 5 O'clack in the morning..."
Nu stiu. Nu stiu nimic momentan si indiferent cat as incerca sa explic cat de mult il vreau inapoi, ca il iubesc si imi lipseste, nu pot.
Pentru ca nu sunt cuvinte ca sa explic cat de rau imi este in momentul de fata, fara el.
You almost feel ashamed
That someone could be that important
That without them, you feel like nothing
No one will ever understand how much it hurts
You feel hopeless; like nothing can save you
And when it's over, and it's gone
You almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back
So that you could have the good.
That someone could be that important
That without them, you feel like nothing
No one will ever understand how much it hurts
You feel hopeless; like nothing can save you
And when it's over, and it's gone
You almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back
So that you could have the good.
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