Nu te juca cu dracul .... Ca te arzi

" I want you. "
" Have you been drinking love ?"
" Only 3 B53 and 2 cuba libre. Why ? "
" Because it's 1:58 A.M. "
" I am thinking about you all the time, doll face, not just after drinks. You know that ... And I really miss you and want to spend some time with you , then stay in this club. Are you tierd or do you want to see me ?"
" At what hour should I be ready ?"
" 3 A.M  baby. "

Si m-am ridicat din pat, constienta de cat de usor ma poate manipula barbatul asta. Blestemandu-mi soarta de femeie slaba care isi asculta instinctul si inima, in drum spre dus.

Am incercat sa imi protejez sufletul ... m-am dat cu rus rosu ... Dar deja din taxi nu mai ramasese decat umbra lui ...

Spuneam ca l-as putea iubi .. Ei bine fata draga, uite ca fara sa realizezi si pe nepusa masa, te afli in a strange and fuckup up relationship.

And you are kinda in love with a man , who is the perfect combination between Mister Gatsby and Christian Grey.

Way to go Iulia .... Just what you need it love.
